Ansible role
Using Ansible to automate the installation and updates I make to my .vimrc file. Using github actions to test it with Molecule and upload it to ansible-galaxy.

Using Ansible to automate the installation and updates I make to my .vimrc file. Using github actions to test it with Molecule and upload it to ansible-galaxy.
Building a cluster of Odroid HC1s. Docker Swarm backed by Glusterfs for highly available containers and mounted volumes.
The purpose of this project is to educate others that want to break into the world of DevOps or just wanting to bring more automation into their homelab. Plus, serve as a fun way for me to automate all the things and better myself at documentation and code control.
Monitoring a Docker Swarm cluster using services running and managed by swarm itself. Starting with Prometheus, node-exporter, and Grafana.
In part 01, I deployed node exporter, Prometheus, and Grafana. This time around, I will touch on some of the problems I've run into since then and how I solved them. I'll tack on another monitoring tool to the stack, Cadvisor. Finally, I'll forward Pi-Hole metrics to a Grafana dashboard.